⭐️ Customers in your business conduct surveys. Offer to fill out the survey for your clients while they are waiting for a session or enjoying a relaxing drink. Keep it brief and simple to grasp. Instead of employing technology in the survey, we advise using treatment results. For instance, ask if they would prefer a diamond dermabrasion treatment over skin cleansing and exfoliation.
⭐️ Utilizing digital marketing tools. You may now target specific demographics with extremely sophisticated advertising platforms like Google AdWords, Instagram, and Facebook; you are no longer required to waste money advertising to the general public. Instead, experiment with local advertising to maximize a limited advertising budget. Create a quiz on Facebook or share it on Instagram to reach out to current or future customers and gather data. Is there, for instance, a high enough demand in your area for innovative therapies? To encourage customers, provide a fair discount for subsequent treatments, start taking reservations before your new equipment is delivered, and make an appointment schedule before making an investment.
You will get marketing materials and assistance to advertise your new therapies with any Zemits device.