Facial and Body Contouring
Transforming Treatments with Zemits EndoLuxx Pro: A Professional’s Review
1. Is the treatment safe?
Yes, the Zemits EndoLuxx PRO Technology is non-invasive, completely safe, and has no known side effects.
2. Can this treatment be performed year-round?
Absolutely! EndoLuxx PRO Technology can be used in all seasons and climates, making it a perfect addition to any spa service menu.
3. How long is a treatment session?
Sessions can range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
4. Is the treatment painful?
Not at all. The Matrix Press Roller provides a relaxing, pain-free experience that clients find both effective and enjoyable.
This esthetic device is intended for cosmetic use only. This esthetic device is not intended to be used to treat or diagnose any medical condition.
This esthetic device is intended to be used by estheticians and skincare providers. This esthetic device is not intended to be used by doctors or healthcare providers. This esthetic device is not intended to be used in medical nor surgical purposes. This esthetic device does not affect the structure of deep skin tissues.
Results may vary/may not be typical. Reviews or testimonials may be fictionalized.
This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.